
Academic Staff Researchers

Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Andrew Luxton-Reilly is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Auckland, where he has taught introductory programming courses since 1995. He completed a BA, and MA(Hons) in Philosophy, and a BSc and PhD in Computer Science at the University of Auckland. His research is situated in Computing Education, focusing on assessment of novice programmers, novice programmer comprehension, gender equity in Computer Science, and tools that facilitate collaborative learning. He has been a member of the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, Faculty of Science Equity Committee and Faculty of Science Academic Committee.  He is currently acting as Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) for the Faculty of Science.  He has received several teaching awards, and has had eight award-winning papers at venues such as ITiCSE, ICER and ACE.  He also has several senior roles in the computing education community, including SIGCSE Treasurer (2019-2022), program co-chair of ACM CompEd (2019/2021), program co-chair of ITiCSE (2020), program co-chair of ACE (2019/2020) associate editor for ACM ToCE, chair of the Australasian chapter of SIGCSE (2018/2019/2020), and has served as a reviewer or program committee member for more than 50 conferences, including SIGCSE, ITiCSE, ICER, ACE, CSERC, CSPRE, LaTiCE and ACSW.

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Paul Denny

Paul Denny is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.  His research interests include developing and evaluating tools for supporting collaborative learning, particularly involving student-generated resources, and exploring the ways that students engage with these environments.  One of his developments, PeerWise, hosts more than four million practice questions, with associated solutions and explanations, created by students in 90 countries.  He has fostered a community of educational researchers around this project, more than 100 of whom have published their research as a result.  He has received Best Paper Awards at SIGCSE 2019 and ICER 2008, and has published several other award-winning papers at venues such as SIGCHI, ITiCSE and ACE.  He has been recognized for contributions to teaching both nationally and internationally, receiving the QS Reimagine Education Overall Award and the “ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning” Gold Award (2018), the Association of Commonwealth Universities Jacky McAleer Memorial Fellowship (2017), New Zealand’s National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award (2009), the Australasian Association for Engineering Education Award for Innovation in Curricula, Learning and Teaching (2009) and the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia Teaching Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching (2010).


Nasser Giacaman

Nasser Giacaman is a Senior Lecturer in Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering department at the University of Auckland. His education research interests explore a wide variety of different educational domains where software technologies may help learners, often collaborating with practitioners in a number of disciplines. Examples include helping tertiary students learn advanced programming concepts, helping primary school children engage with mathematics concepts, or helping others to improve spatial reasoning. Depending on the requirements of every unique situation, the technologies applied will vary (e.g. web-based, mobile-based, AR/VR-based). He has received four teaching awards at the University of Auckland.

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Ewan Tempero

Ewan Tempero is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. He graduated from the University of Otago, New Zealand, with a B.Sc., (Honours) in Mathematics in 1983 and received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington, U.S.A., in 1990.  Tempero’s main research interest is in improving software quality, particularly software design. This includes developing ways to measure software quality and developing the means to do the measurements. He has published over 150 papers in journals and internationally-refereed conferences, in the areas of software design quality, software metrics, software reuse, software tools, user interface design, computer science education, and gender equity.  He has received several teaching awards from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Auckland.


Burkhard Wuensche

Burkhard Wuensche is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. He received a Vordiplom from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and received his MSc and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Auckland in 1994 and 2001, respectively. Burkhard Wuensche is the leader of the Graphics Group at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. His research is in visual computing, the intersection between computer graphics, HCI and computer vision. He specialises in Exergaming, Image-based modelling, Biomedical & Scientific Visualization, Game Technology, CS Education, HCI, Human-Robot Interfaces, and AR/VR. His research aims at developing innovative visual computing technologies improving peoples’ life. The research is highly collaborative and cross-disciplinary and involves experts in psychology, mechatronics, robotics, sport and exercise science, education, and medical sciences. His teaching research focuses on computer graphics education, and visual tools (incl. AR/VR) for a wide range of teaching tasks incl. piano tutoring, teamwork training for surgeons, and biochemistry. Burkhard Wuensche has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers including such prestigious venues as IEEE Visualisation, TVCG, and CHI. He has delivered more than 50 invited talks and has supervised more than 100 research students, many of them won scholarships and other awards.


Paramvir Singh

Paramvir Singh is a Professional Teaching Fellow in the School of Computer Science at the University of Auckland. He has BTech, MEngg and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Engineering. Over the last 15 years, he taught several UG and PG level courses mainly in and around software engineering (SE) sub-discipline of computer science. He has supervised 22 UG final year projects, 36 masters and two PhD research dissertations. His research interests include software design and architecture, computer science and software engineering education, evidence-based software engineering, dynamic program analysis and music technology. His current research in CS education is around investigating undergraduate students’ note-taking and journal writing strategies with an aim to improve their learning and performance. He has been also practicing and researching case-based learning in software engineering education under the SEABED project. He has more than 45 publications at reputed computer science and software engineering venues including EASE, SANER, JSS, APSEC, COMPSAC, ISEC, and ICSE. He served as reviewer or PC member for SE venues including JSS, IET Software, EASE, APSEC, ASWEC and ICSE workshops. He won a best paper award at EASE 2018.

(Home Page – University Profile / Personal)


Student Researchers


Sanuri D. Gunawardena

Sanuri D. Gunawardena is a PhD student in the School of Computer Science at the University of Auckland. She received BSc. Special (Hons) in information technology (software engineering specialization) degree from Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Sri Lanka, in 2014. During and after her BSc degree, she worked 4 years as a software engineer and a senior software engineer in Sri Lanka, mostly improving and customizing a well known, international enterprise resource planning system, IFS Applications and managing the deliveries of the same. This tenure also included a software architect role that she held for 1 year. Her current research interests include software inspection for software quality and tool support for software engineering. Her PhD research looks at the possibility of providing support to allow humans with different programming abilities ranging from expert to non-existent to perform code review i.e. to remove the prerequisite of programming expertise required by the existing code review support to perform code review, where possible. This research will provide a form of code review support that helps novice programmers such as computer science students to learn and apply code review as an important part of software development.